Some services are currently being offered online due the current COVID-19 situation.

Healthy Mom & Baby

Healthy Mom & Baby

These sessions are designed to empower and educate pregnant women, new mothers and women who desire to be pregnant. It provides simple and practical ways to create a healthy prenatal and postnatal lifestyle for the mother and for the baby.

Let’s Do It Together


Sessions may take palce in person, by phone or via video conference.

What’s included

  • Four sessions for 1.5 hour over the course of 4 weeks
  • Three books by Dr Sears (Prepare, Eat, & Live Right Now)
  • Resourceful materials & handouts in every session
  • Access to pregnancy exercise videos

When & Where

To be determined according to the client’s preference.


Sessions are in person. Groups may vary from 5 to 20 women. The workshop is a mix of lecture and interactive hands-on activities.

What’s included

  • Four sessions for  2-hours over the course of 4 weeks
  • Three books by Dr Sears (Prepare, Eat, & Live Right Now)
  • Resourceful materials & handouts in every session
  • Complimentary bag with prenatals gifts
  • Access to pregnancy exercise videos
  • Healthy snacks & refreshments

When & Where



Session 1: Healthy Beginning

It is never too early to positively impacting your child’s health. Learn about: how to create a healthy womb, simple exercises to relieve stress, and how to prepare for the emotional, hormonal and physical changes.

Session 2: Optimal Nutrition

Enhance your baby’s growth and brain development. Learn about: eating for two healthy weight gain, nutrient dense foods, what cravings really mean, and healthy substitutions.

Session 3: Smooth Motherhood

It takes nine months to grow a baby, but only seconds to become a parent. Learn about: how to create a strong and lasting bond with your baby, which decisions are most important to make early on, and why TLC for moms is so important.

Session 4: Beginning of Life

When you devote attention to the beginning of a story, you can change the whole story. Screening documentary: “The Beginning of Life” that shows the importance of the first years of a child’s life.

Certified by

Certified by

  • Mity K.MD & Mother, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    As my health coach, Mariane motivated me to improve my quality of life! Thanks to her guidance, I’ve completely changed the way I think about my health and have become more aware of the importance of taking better care of myself. I now feel much more motivated and happier. Furthermore, being in touch with this incredible person made me feel more positive and energized. It’s magic to realize how fast we can start believing and then changing things around us. Thanks, my dear Mariane, for your great help in this important moment in my life!
  • Erin B.Nurse & Mother, Hawaii, USA
    Mariane is a living, breathing advocate for health and wellness. I had the pleasure of learning from her as a wellness coach when I was pregnant with my first baby. We had incredible conversations about nutrition, exercise, sleep, labor, birth, and other topics connected to pregnancy and becoming a mother. I felt connected to her energy and it rejuvenated me during a time when I felt a bit anxious and unsure about the new chapter of motherhood. She introduced Dr. Sears to me, and I fell in love with his philosophy on parenting! I really treasured the books and material she used during the wellness sessions, all written by Dr. Sears. Mariane is a beautiful woman, mother, and excellent source of inspiration for all periods of life transformation  –
  • Rebecca K.Teacher & Mother, Stuttgart, Germany
    The idea of Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude & Nutrition makes pregnant women more aware of their daily attitudes. As for example in my case, the moments before I went to bed, I tried to take actions to relax and go into a more peaceful state, in preparation for a good night's sleep: taking a relaxing bath and listening to meditation music, instead of answering a message on a cell phone. The Healthy Mom & Baby sessions can help pregnant women to be calmer during gestation, to improve their habits, and to have a positive mindset during this special life stage. The sessions with Mariane, helped me to look at pregnancy as a gift, a miracle, and a very special and unique time of my life to overcome challenges and face difficulties.

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