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3 Exercises to Maintain Proper Run Form

3 Exercises to Maintain Proper Run Form
October 31, 2018 mariane uehara

We often forget the importance of our upper body during our runs. Keep it simple and just look for a bench at the park to do these basic arms and shoulders exercises. The following movements designed by Motoki Nakamura from Jaco Rehab will help you strengthen your upper body to sustain a proper running posture.


Target muscle

Deep neck flexor muscles

When it should be done

On rest days

Why is important for runners

Improves your head and neck posture while running

Common injury can be avoided with the exercise

Headache, neck pain, upper shoulder pain


Hold 10 seconds 2×5


Target muscle

Rhomboid, trapezius, deltoid, lats, core muscles

When it should be done

On rest days

Why is important for runners

Improves arm swing and core stability while running

Common injury can be avoided with the exercise

Forward and rounded posture, shoulder pain


3×10-15 reps or until fatigue


Target muscle

Triceps, pectorals, deltoids.

When it should be done

On rest days

Why is important for runners

Improves arm swing (forward swing phase) of running

Common injury can be avoided with the exercise

Shoulder pain, limited power with any pushing motion


3×10-15 reps or until fatigue

Find your bench and have fun working on your proper running form!

* exercise by: Motoki Nakamura – Jaco Rehab PT

* video by: Odeelo Dayondon