Improving coordination & agility
We feature three drills that tackle the lateral musculatures which will help to improve coordination and agility. At the same time, these exercises can also prevent general hip, knee and ankle pain.
3 Exercises to Maintain Proper Run Form
The following movements designed by Motoki Nakamura from Jaco Rehab will help you strengthen your upper body to sustain a proper running posture.
3 Simple Drills To Get Your Glutes & Hamstrings Fired Up
Whether you are a fast, experienced runner or a novice that is just
starting to jog, running drills can do wonders if you just dedicate a few
minutes per week on it -
Strengthening Your Upper Body
A strong core, gluteus, and shoulders are essential to improving running
stability and preventing lower back and hip injuries. -
The Magic Pill to Run Faster
Running drills can be the magic pill to run faster! Improving running form, efficiency and coordination are just some of their benefits.
Shore up strength in your knees & hips
These exercises target the entire lower extremity, especially the glutes and quads.
Improving running form & efficiency
These drills are great to prevent low back, hip, or ankle pain.
Strengthen your calf muscles to go faster
Why is important for runners
Increases strength of the calf muscles.
Lazy pose for runners with tired legs
Lying on the ground, lift legs up against a wall or a chair (or use any structure that will enable you to elevate the legs higher than the rest of the body).
Perfect for hamstrings & hip flexors
Move to kneeling and then step your right leg up and forward. Inhale and stretch the arms over head, keeping the hands shoulder width apart.