Pose of the day: Half Pigeon.
A great stretch for tight hips
Note: As with all yoga and exercise programs, it is advisable for runners to begin slowly and mindfully, breathing steadily during the entire practice. Tune in to how you are feeling and whether the mind is excited. By the end of the sequence, we hope that you feel rested and relaxed, aiding your recovery from all the miles that you run!
Begin by moving left knee forward on the ground underneath you and extend the right leg extended out behind. Keep hips square and then stretch the spine by pressing hands into the floor and lifting body up away from the ground. From that position behind to fold forward, keeping the back long. Rest the head on folded hands in front of you and stay here for five breaths. Press back up slowly and stretch the back out again before returning to table top and then switching sides to repeat with the opposite leg.
* yoga pose by: Susie Stephen
* video by: Odeelo Dayondon
* music by: Ben Sound