If there is one thing I love its organized and clean spaces! I also love it when that same space smells good!
Back in 2000, during my college days, I heard for the first time the term “green cleaning”. In sum, green cleaning means to use products to clean our spaces that are safe for our health and for the environment. Unfortunately a lot of products on the market smell amazing and they are great to clean and make things shine, however, they can be unsafe for our health, and harm our drinking water and the air we breathe.
So since then I have been using what I like to call “products that I can eat ” to clean my house, my office, and anything around me. Most of the products listed below you can find on the food aisle, so you could literally eat or drink them, but of course, they shouldn’t accidentally get inside your body.
That said, here my favorite and very inexpensive cleaning products…
- you can find baking soda, rubbing alcohol, and lemon (fresh and also in a bottle) at costco, and borax I buy at target or longs drugs
- essential oils can be found at health food and natural stores. Make sure they are 100% pure and natural.
- good websites to find out more about safe and unsafe cleaning products:
- Environmental Working Group
- Washington Toxics Coalition
- ideas to make your own natural cleaning products: Women’s Voices For the Earth
some dreams are worth sharing…