Eat Well, Move Well & Be Kind
So what are ways we can help our most vulnerable community members?
Your Body Gives You What You Can Take
I am far from a good cook! My meals usually do not require heating and can be prepared in less than 10 minutes! Actually, I don’t even know if they can be called meals.
100% Committed
I love running, but I cannot imagine myself going this distance. The mental and physical challenge seems unbearable. So when Wookie Kim came with a huge smile at our run club just a few days after he finished the tough H.U.R.T 100 race this past month, I needed to know how he managed to train and finish such a perverse challenge.
Keep Kaimana Safe for Everyone
This Hawaiian food staple is one of Sky’s favorite carbohydrate options. It is also one of my favorites because taro is a local root, truly farm-to-table, and it’s high in vitamins, phytonutrients, minerals, and enzymes.
Living & Sharing
I am delighted to share Free Lifestyle’s new face and logo with you. Check out the brand new design here.
Meet Motoki Nakamura: Runner & Physical Therapist
I like to help out individuals by using my own hands and doing exercise— without giving out medications or performing surgery.
It’s never too late!
He never ran as a child or as an adult, carrying extra pounds for most of his life. But one day he read a book that literally changed his life. These days, if you see Jacoby running at any of the run clubs, you will think that he is an elite runner.
Meet George and Miyuki & their sweet story
Four years ago we were brainstorming ideas of what we wanted the run club to be, the main goal that we all had in mind was to create a social gathering environment where friendships would arise and last…
Juggling Working, Working Out & Being a Mom
I’m still figuring out how to balance being a mom living in the present, being efficient with my work, and enjoying a daily workout. I often feel guilty if I want to go for a sunrise run instead of waking up with Sky and eating breakfast with her.
Benefits of Babywearing
I thought, “Oh my! Carry my baby on me all the time? This sounds like a bit much.” But my perception of the term and its importance changed when I gave birth to Sky.