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My new fav exercise

My new fav exercise
November 15, 2015 mariane uehara

This month for Hawaii Sport Magazine I wrote an article about my three favorite exercises to do while I am pregnant. The three were (no surprise) swim, bike and run, but of course with a totally different mind set and also intensity. However, two weeks after I sent the article to the magazine, I decide to stop running. Because one afternoon while I was jogging with the Lanikai Juice Run Club, I felt my tummy, and it was heavier than usual. I tried to hold my belly to support my 12 minutes per mile jog, but I still felt very uncomfortable, so I started to walk and it felt great right away!

Honestly though, I didn’t get too excited about walking, so a friend told me to try to the “aqua fitness classes” at The Oahu Club. I have been coaching for almost 5 years but I rarely take classes for myself, so I thought that now would be a nice opportunity to do it!

My first class made an impression on me! It was a Saturday morning and the pool was crowded, full and smiles and enthusiastic people older than me, and I loved it!!! The class was more exciting and challenging than I expected it to be. We used the water dumbbells to do different types of arms exercises and I could feel that I was getting both a great and gentle workout for me and our baby.

Indeed, the aqua fitness class is a lovely workout option for pregnant women. Now I am five and half months pregnant, and I have been taking those classes for almost 2 months, at least two times per week. And I am thinking that even after I give birth I should keep up with the aqua fitness classes in addition to my swim-bike-run routine!

Here are other reasons to consider exercising in the water according to “The Healthy Pregnancy Plan”, by Dr William Sears.

  • It is easy on the joints. When you stand chest-deep in the water, the weight on your overburdened knees, hips, and lower back is lessened.
  • The resistance of water encourages smoother movements that are easier on the joints than jerk movements of land-bound exercises.
  • It is friendly to an aching back and pelvic muscles.
  • It mellows moods. Water aerobics, or just plain plain dancing around in the water, is great exercise for relaxing both mind and body.
  • It improves circulation.
  • It helps relieve ankle swelling.

Listen to your body and have fun while you are exercising for two! That’s my two cents ♡

some dreams are worth sharing


photos by: my dear friend Bianca Barretto.

Bi thank you for the beautiful photos and for introducing me to aqua fitness! love u ♡