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Sky is getting me in shape

Sky is getting me in shape
May 3, 2016 mariane uehara

How am I going to go get back in shape, or at least get back to my pre pregnancy body after my baby is born?

This question frequently popped into my mind during my pregnancy. However, now that I am able to hold my almost 2 month old baby the answer to this question does not seems as important as it was before.

Physically I am still recovering from a challenging labor (but it was worth every second) and the doctor recommended that I don’t do any strenuous exercise for at least 3 months. Emotionally I am more attached to my baby that I imagined I would be (I call this the invisible umbilical cord), so I am dedicating a lot of time to getting to know and learn everything I can about my baby girl Sky. 

So I am in no rush to swim, bike or run, at least not for these first months. However, I am delighted to learn that spending time with my baby is a natural way to “get back” to my pre pregnancy body.


The first way and I believe the most important one is breastfeeding. I gotta say that breastfeeding wasn’t as easy and natural as I predicted. Sky and I had to learn the right way to do it for us. It took us almost a month to figure it out and also help from lactation consultants. Now I can happily say that we are pros! I love our special moments together. It’s really divine that my body can nourish her.

The science behind breastfeeding:
Babies sucking their mothers breast stimulates the release more of the hormone oxytocin, which contracts your uterus to (nearly) its pre-pregnant size.


Second I love to carry my baby, I think I need to stay close to her just as much or more than she needs me. However my arms, hands and wrist started to get a bit sore after carrying my 9 pounds baby for a few hours. A dear friend made me a beautiful sling, and I also got the boba baby carrier. It’s taking us some practice to comfortably wear the sling and the carrier, but so far we love it! I need to keep moving once I put Sky in the sling or carrier. I need to go for a walk, do things around the house, or simply dance. I can’t stop, if I do, she complains.

The science behind babywearing:
Babywearing is an exercise in baby reading that benefits parents and babies. Sling babies cry less and they also grow better. Click here to read more about babywearing benefits.

The last thing that I have been doing is eating as healthy as possible. My diet is not as healthy as it was when I was pregnant. Because I am dedicating a lot of time to Sky, so time to prepare and eat healthy food during the day is shorter. I have been grazing on easy snacks such as: nuts, yogurt, avocado, banana, coconut water, cheese. And at night, thanks to my amazing supportive team (my husband and mom) I eat a nutritious dinner almost every night. But I have to confess that I have been indulging yummy cookies, chocolates and ice cream after I put my baby to sleep at night. It’s my little mommy treat!

I also believe that my L.E.A.N. decisions during my pregnancy have been helping to naturally get back to my prepregnancy body.

My two cents for news moms with this post is: don’t rush to go exercise, because deeply connecting with your baby these first months is going to get you in shape from inside out, literally!

My weight journey:
Pre pregnancy: 110 pounds
9 months pregnant: 139 pounds
2 weeks after I gave birth: 120 pounds
1 month after I gave birth: 115 pounds

some dreams are worth sharing


ps.: Mariane and Sky's outfits made or donate by our dearest friend Thao Miller ♡.