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Hugs from Sky

Hugs from Sky
March 3, 2017 mariane uehara

This Sunday, we will celebrate with Sky as she turns one! Her first year of life overflowed with daily blessings. She is in great health, and surrounded by people that immerse her in love every day. Tim and I couldn’t be more grateful. We are also so thankful for all the generous gifts from our family and friends. Sky has more toys than she can play with and more clothes (especially cute, pink dresses) that she can possibly wear.

Each day, as we watch the sunset together, I gently whisper in her ear, “My love, our lives are wonderful and we live in paradise!” Truly, this little girl has everything she needs, plus a little more.

Instead of a big party to honor her first year of life, we want to dedicate Sky’s birthday to children that need support. A few blocks from our house, a non-profit called HUGS (Help, Understanding & Group Support) does wonderful work. For the past 35 years, they have been helping families in Hawaii who have children diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Their mission is to bring joy and comfort to the children, their siblings and their parents, and to improve their quality of life as they face emotional and financial hardships.

When I learned about their touching work, a lump formed in my throat and my heart sank. As a mother, I feel that there is nothing more important than the health of my baby, so I can’t imagine the distress that these families endure. So, we kindly ask you to rejoice with our daughter by donating whenever and however possible to this beautiful organization.

Here is a list of their needs (in order of priority):

1. Hawaiian miles

Your contribution will help families travel from neighboring islands to Oahu or even the mainland for the life-saving procedures.
Donate your unused Hawaiian miles.

2. Monetary donations

HUGS is entirely supported by people’s contributions of time, treasure and talent. They are able to offer programs and services free of charge due to donations.
Donate directly to HUGS.

3. Canned and non-perishable food

You can bring food directly to their office at 3636 Kilauea Avenue. Here are a few ideas for healthy foods to feed the families:

  • Canned black beans, green beans, peas, corn, carrots and tomatoes,
  • Applesauce and dried fruit such as raisins, apricots, prunes and peaches
  • Almond butter, peanut butter, oatmeal, whole grain crackers, cereals, whole wheat pasta and brown rice
  • Canned salmon and tuna
  • Milk powder or long-life milk
  • Trails mixes, granola and protein bars

Get directions to HUGS.

4. New toys and gift cards

The staff and volunteers at HUGS take regular trips to local hospitals to visit children and their families. They gift them with toys, gift cards and activities to reduce stress and anxiety.
Drop off toys & gift cards at HUGS office. 

5. Shop at AmazonSmile

AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of the price of your purchase to a charity you choose (at no additional cost to you).
Visit AmazonSmile and select HUGS for Hawaii’s seriously ill children and their families.

3636 Kilauea Ave., Honolulu, HI, [Mariane, insert postcode]
808 732-4846


Querida familia e amigos no Brasil se você quiser fazer parte dessa celebração de 1 ano de vida da Sky, existem duas organizações em São Paulo que fazem um trabalho maravilhoso para as crianças que precisam de ajuda.

Associação Beneficente Parsifal 

Eles desenvolvem um trabalho educacional junto a crianças, jovens e adultos portadores de capacidades especiais.
faça uma contribuição para Associação Beneficente Parsifal


Essa organização beneficia diretamente mais de 5 mil famílias através do trabalho de três núcleos estabelecidos na periferia da cidade de São Paulo.
faça uma contribuição para MonteAzul

Thank you! Obrigada! Arigato! Mahalo for your love…always!

Sky, Mariane & Tim