I’m still figuring out how to balance being a mom living in the present, being efficient with my work, and enjoying a daily workout. I often feel guilty if I want to go for a sunrise run instead of waking up with Sky and eating breakfast with her. Or if I have to work more rather than spend time playing with her. However, the days that I don’t get any work done, I find myself worrying about the things I didn’t accomplish. And when I don’t get to exercise, I’m not as productive and happy throughout the day.
As a new mom, I often rely on my experienced friends for tips on how we can work things out. So I asked a few of these fit working mommas to share one tip on how they juggle work, exercise and being a mom. Their responses were more than just tips, they poured their heart out with honesty and love. Each mother, family, and lifestyle is unique in their own way, but I found a few commonalities in all their answers. So here are my three favorite tips on how mothers can do it all.
At the market, try to create a moment with her (sample food, let her pick something to buy, let her swipe the credit card)
so she feels like going to the market was fun and not a chore! – Jas
Be Present
Fully dedicate your attention to the moment; whether it’s spending time with family, working or exercising be engaged in the present. Parenthood teaches us how precious time is. These days, we might have less time to do all the things we want, but being mindful of what’s in front of us lets us savor each moment and become more loving, efficient and content.
Happy Mom = Happy Family. I truly believe in this. Be in the moment, carve out time for yourself. 1 hour of true present, quality time with your family, beats 2 hours of trying to fit all of the above in. The hardest thing to do it to not think of all the things you have to accomplish. – Cori
Be Flexible
Life is a beautiful mess now. We have to combine our goals, schedules, and desires with the little ones as well as our partners. Having a plan to get everything done is key, but having the mental flexibility to recreate the plan when things don’t go the way we expected is even more important. And that leads to the third tip…
“Think Short Term Fitness” Kids and family dynamics can change a lot in six months. So, I have learned to think of fitness goals in shorter terms, and to be more flexible. If I feel one of my boys will need extra attention in upcoming months (such as one of them entering a new school), I focus on something simple – like running a 5k, or just slowly building strength and endurance with no race goals. You absolutely have 20-30 min a day, if not more, to train. It may mean getting up early, or maybe taking your kids with you, but much can be achieved in a short time period. – Jana
Let it go
Let go of the mommy guilt; be the role model you wish for your children.
Let go of perfection in the way you do things, and let your partner help in his/her way.
Let go of laundry and go play with your kids.
Let go of the big and long-term plans, because life is right here and right now. (go back to the first tip!)
Let go and let your husband help – Mommy’s are so used to doing it all “our way”, that we are our own worst enemy. Let go and let the daddy’s do more to help with daily routines so you can squeeze in a 1-hour workout. The Type-A moms will still get everything ready before they leave the house anyways! – Julia
Thank you for all the mommas that have been following their joy, sharing the struggles, and finding the solutions to be role models for our children. You all inspire me more than you know!
some dreams are worth sharing…