Your Body Gives You What You Can Take
I am far from a good cook! My meals usually do not require heating and can be prepared in less than 10 minutes! Actually, I don’t even know if they can be called meals.
The Pills I Couldn’t Swallow
I am far from a good cook! My meals usually do not require heating and can be prepared in less than 10 minutes! Actually, I don’t even know if they can be called meals.
How different is the second pregnancy?
Some days are far from perfect! I know I should have slept more, ate better, exercised for a bit, and spent more time with Sky, instead of trying to finish my to-do lists. But I have learned not to be too harsh on myself.
My Three Favorite 30-Minute Pre-Natal Workouts
Balancing motherhood, exercise, work, and everything else is harder than ever, but it is also teaching me to be more efficient and creative with my time. Moving my body is my second priority in life (very close to the first priority of spending time with Sky)
Juggling Working, Working Out & Being a Mom
I’m still figuring out how to balance being a mom living in the present, being efficient with my work, and enjoying a daily workout. I often feel guilty if I want to go for a sunrise run instead of waking up with Sky and eating breakfast with her.
New Mommy Return to Physical Activity Exercises
After three months of total rest after labor, another three months working on basic and basic-ish exercises to strengthen the core and pelvic area, and one full month dedicated to one of my favorite types of exercises,
Protecting my baby’s white skin
I might have played in the sun a little too much. I wished I listened to my mother when she scolded me about not wearing sunscreen, big hats and sunglasses. Now that I am a mother of a white white baby, I am the one worried 24/7 about protecting my daughter’s skin.
New mommy basic-ish core exercises
I found out that I was successful at doing the exercises when baby was taking a nap, or when I asked someone to play with Sky for thirty minutes so I could escape and do the routine.
New Mommy Basic Core Exercises
Even after I got cleared by my doctor to exercise again after having a baby, I felt that my core and pelvic areas were too loose, my groin area and lower back too tight, and actually the small tissues, joints, muscles around my whole core area needed some type of strength and stretch work before I started to run again.
Running again after having a baby
It took almost a year before I felt the desire to train and race again. After I gave birth to Sky, my body took its time to recover. Nursing alone caused a drop in my weight. I worried that burning fat through exercise would decrease my milk supply.