The breakfast menu at our house pretty much has two options- yogurt or oatmeal.
Sounds boring but, we’ve become very creative at making these options more interesting and nutritious. And they are approved by our three-year-old daughter, so you know it has to be yummy!
Today, we will share our favorite yogurt toppings.
7 Impressive Benefits of Yogurt
• Rich in calcium
• Great source of protein
• Can lower cholesterol
• Easier to digest than milk
• Helps to boost the immune system
• Improves the absorption of other nutrients
And the most important benefit is, it’s the easiest breakfast you can have!

Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed oil is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, and also a good source of omega 6. Mixing flaxseed oil with yogurt helps to emulsify the oil, improving digestion and metabolism by the body. I’m not the biggest fan of flaxseed oil flavor, but when mixed with yogurt, you can barely taste it.
Spirulina Protein Powder
Spirulina is a concentrated whole food source with iron, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B12, minerals, protein, and phycocyanin. We’ve been adding spirulina in our smoothies for years, but recently, we also started adding it to our yogurt. It mixes very well with yogurt making the spirulina flavor milder and the yogurt a superfood.
Frozen Blueberries
Blueberries contain an antioxidant that helps fight cancer. Of course, you can try with fresh blueberries, but the frozen ones make the yogurt even more cold and refreshing. It’s our blueberry frozen yogurt treat!

We usually buy the plain yogurt to avoid added sugar and we add toppings, such as honey, goji berry, sweet coconut flakes, or any fruit we have in the refrigerator just to give it the perfect amount of sweetness.
Next time we’ll share what we add to our oatmeal!

We’d love to hear how you like to spice up your yogurt!