On New Year’s Eve, I asked Tim:
“What do you want in 2017?”
He smiled, thought for a second, and replied with his lighthearted charisma:
“In 2017, I want more of the same!”
The answer was unexpected, but I treasured knowing that he was happy, and content with our life together. His cute and simple answer made me reflect on happiness and being grateful for my life right now, before wishing for or dreaming about anything more.
Over the course of the past year, I have had little sleep, spent less time taking care of myself, and have missed many opportunities to spend time with my friends. Some days I had the feeling that I was living the premise of Groundhog Day. However, it was also the most special year of my life. Giving birth to my daughter, Sky, and spending time with her has magnified how precious and blessed each moment can be:
- To receive a tight hug that comforts us when we are feeling down
- To share a wet kiss, brightening the day
- To burst into a spontaneous smile and giggle, for no reason at all
- To have something nutritious to eat every meal
- To feel the warmth of the sun on our skin
- To watch the silly birds, cats and dogs that pass us by
- To notice everyone, everywhere and wave with a sincere smile
- To listen with empathy and put ourselves in the shoes of others
- To give a simple thank you to a stranger
- To take a warm shower and smell lovely
- To have a comfortable bed to sleep in, and dream
- To wake up side by side with the people that you love the most
Indeed, Tim was right. In 2017, I also “want” more of those tiny moments full of giant feelings, and to be acutely grateful for each one.
Gratefulness is known to be the key to happiness and good health. In our house, we practice a nightly habit before dinner by closing our eyes to pray. We voice our thankfulness for our day, for our food and for each other, and send love to all our family and friends, wherever they may be. It takes us just two minutes, but really gives a clear perspective of how wonderful our life is, every single day.
Gratefulness is known to be the key to happiness & good health
I wish you all a year full of wonderful moments!
some dreams are worth sharing…
photos by: HI Portrait