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Ocean Runner: Sharon Keith

Ocean Runner: Sharon Keith
June 20, 2017 mariane uehara

We are so proud of our dear ocean run athlete Sharon Keith, for sweeping her age group division at the her first half ironman attempt at the Big Island this month.

Sharon started to ocean run with us because she couldn’t run on land due to past injuries and surgeries. It was incredible to follow her improvements and witness how strong she became as an athlete with her dedication to all three sports, plus using ocean run as her base for running.

How long have you been ocean running?

Sharon Keith: Not to be confused with “jogging in the water”, I’ve been Ocean Running for a few years now.

How have the ocean run classes helped you prepare for your first half ironman?

SK: I’ve had a lot of pain in my knees for many years now, and then on top of that, I broke my pelvis about 3 1/2 years ago. I didn’t know if I even could run again! However, I love triathlon and was determined to see what function I could get back. I knew if I was ever going to run again, I would have to work on “perfect” running form, so my body would property absorb the impact of running without further damage to my joints. Perfecting the mechanics of the run sounds easier to do that it is. Ocean Running was a blessing. I could initially work on form without worrying if I was doing it right or not. I can’t see what I’m doing while running, but the coaches can. They keep a watchful eye on everyone’s form. There is a lot to learn. We were often joined by some top Hawaii runners who were working on correcting their run. Training in the water can be helpful for anyone. What was the result for me? I just ran a half marathon during the Ironman 70.3 on June 3rd. OMG!!

Perfecting the mechanics of the run sounds easier to do that it is. Ocean Running was a blessing. I could initially work on form without worrying if I was doing it right or not. I can’t see what I’m doing while running, but the coaches can. They keep a watchful eye on everyone’s form.

What do you enjoy most about the class?

SK: Well here are the main things:

  1. First everyone is having fun and I go to work after with a smile
  2. It’s a great cardio workout, so I don’t feel like I need to do “more”. Yes, we work hard!!
  3. Watching the sun come up over the Ko’olau mountains is breathtaking and never gets old. Everyone is feeling so lucky to live in Hawaii OK… and
  4. Free parking at Kaimana Beach
Anything else you would like to share?

SK: I’m grateful to coaches Mariane Uehara and Raul Boca for providing the opportunity to train in the water. They helped make my dream of completing a 1/2 Ironman a reality.

thank you for sharing Sharon! And cheers for many more healthy years of having fun, training and racing!

click here to learn more about ocean run class